Product Development
The Importance and Challenges of Mobile App Testing
Mobile apps are set in stone in our daily routine, but how are they tested? Learn about the biggest benefits and challenges of mobile app testing.
A Beginner’s Guide To User Journey vs User Flow
In this article you learn the differences, similarities and use cases of the user journey vs user flow, explained through examples. Let’s dive in.
Get Familiar with Prioritization Matrix Methodologies
Get familiar with the best prioritization matrix methodologies and learn tips and tricks for effective project prioritization.
Why Validating Product Ideas is a Must: Our Mistakes & Success Stories
After 12 years of creating products we learned that validating product ideas is a must. Here are some true stories from our past to back this up.
How to Validate User Needs with Customer Validation
Customer validation is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of new products. In this post, we share the step-by-step process we use with clients.
Idea Validation Process: How to Validate Your Idea in Practice
A step-by-step guide of our practical idea validation process, designed to verify business ideas on the market with real users.
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